Sensational filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma posted some morphed pictures of Nara Lokesh, Pawan Kalyan and AP CM Chandra Babu an year ago. A few days ago, multiple cases were filed against him, resulting in the police officials issuing him the notices. However, RGV requested for an extension for the same a couple of times and the police officials are looking for him. The media is speculating that Varma is absconding. In this context, surprising everyone, RGV posted a video on his Youtube channel and defended himself saying that these cases are filed only with intentional purposes and are not really having any merit.
“I am extremely sorry to disappoint those who are thinking that I am scared and whatever the media is speculating. For all those, this video may be disappointing,” said RGV while getting into the context.
Ram Gopal Varma admitted that he posted some tweets on X an year ago. “I came to know that someone got offended by these tweets. The irony is that four different people under four different jurisdictions got offended by my tweets, in the span of three to four days, that too, after an year of me posting them. They filed cases against me in this regard. But, the point is that the third party members filed the cases and not those who I actually tweeted about.”
RGV added, “I am clueless of how these cases will be accepted. My obvious doubt is that how these cases be persecuted. There is a phenomenon in the world where political parties are the weaponizing system of the police. I am not blaming any politician or a policeman. Eventually, there is a law of land which will take the final call, to which I abide by, as a citizen.”
Varma continued saying, “I received the notices in the case and I answered that I would attend on a certain date. My work is incomplete and since my producer will be at loss, I requested for an extension again. But, it shows that this is being done for purposes other than the urgency of the case. The system takes years to solve the murders and other important cases,” and questioned that there are purposes behind chasing him for an arrest.
This post was last modified on 26 November 2024 10:55 pm
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