Mega Powerstar Ram Charan teamed up with director Shankar for the film Gamechanger. The pan-India film got delayed multiple times but is finally gearing up for a grand release on the 10th of January, 2025. Meanwhile, the promotions are in full swing and a pre-release event is being planned in the first week of January.
As per our sources, makers are planning a grand pre-release event of the film on January 4th, 2025 in Rajahmundry. Unlike routinely conducting an event in Hyderabad, team seems to be planning to do a big event in Rajahmundry. Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, the deputy chief minister of Andhra Pradesh is set to grace the occasion as the chief guest.
The news about Pawan Kalyan attending the event is going viral in the media from quite a few days. It will be a big boost for the team to have Pawan Kalyan’s presence for the pre-release event. Also, this event will become the first one to have Pawan Kalyan as a guest, after he became the deputy chief minister. We can also expect a hike for ticket prices of the film in AP as Pawan already hinted that the current government is flexible with the film industry. Pawan Kalyan is termed as the Game Changer in AP Politics, now the two Game-changers at Rajahmundry brings full joy to mega fans.
Dil Raju is bankrolling the film. Kiara Advani, Jayaram, SJ Suryah, Srikanth and others are a part of the film.
This post was last modified on 27 November 2024 3:04 pm
The bond between Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan is no secret to the world, but…