Kerala beauty Malavika Mohanan is set to take 2024 by storm with a string of exciting projects lined up. She kicked off the year with the Tamil movie Thangalaan alongside the iconic Chiyaan Vikram. Soon after, she appeared in the Hindi film Yudhra. But that’s not all—2025 promises even bigger things for the actress, with two high-profile releases. The Raja Saab, a mega-budget film featuring superstar Prabhas, will mark a major milestone in her career, along with the much-awaited Tamil sequel Sardar 2.
In the meantime, Malavika shared some stunning new pictures that have fans drooling. She looked like a vintage bombshell in a black bralette and matching bottom, layered with a chic brown jacket. Her golden earrings and open hair added to her effortlessly glamorous vibe, while she was snapped checking her makeup—exuding hotness at every angle.
The Raja Saab is gearing up to be one of Malavika’s career-defining films, with a whopping 300 crore budget and an all-star cast including Sanjay Dutt, Murali Sharma, Anupam Kher, and more. Set to release on April 10, 2025, this film promises to be a game-changer, and Malavika’s fans can’t wait to see her shine on the big screen!
This post was last modified on 27 November 2024 10:44 pm
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