Today, Hyderabad was the stage for Team Pushpa’s much-awaited pre-release event. Celebrities like SS Rajamouli, Allu Aravind and others graced the event. Allu Arjun shared his happiness of watching the film in advance.
Speaking at the event, Allu Aravind revealed that he had watched Pushpa 2 a week ago and was thoroughly impressed. Sharing a personal anecdote, he said, “After watching Pushpa 2, I went straight home. My wife noticed my face and asked why it was glowing. I shared my excitement, and she reminded me that my face had lit up like this only twice before—once during the release of Magadheera and now for Pushpa 2.”
He also thanked Allu Arjun’s wife, Sneha, and Sukumar’s wife, Bhabita, for their unwavering support throughout the five-year journey of making Pushpa 2.
This post was last modified on 3 December 2024 3:25 am
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