Bhagyashri Borse failed to impress in her debut film Mr Bachchan. The actress will next have VD12, Kaantha, and RAPO22. Interestingly, she is actively taking part in the shoot of Kaantha now. Taking to her Instagram profile, Bhagyashri shared pictures with the film’s lead Dulquer Salmaan.
“Can’t wait for the world to experience the magic of our Kaantha 🤍
With my bestest @dqsalmaan!✨” wrote the actress.
The film is reportedly set in 1950s against the backdrop of the Chennai city. The film delves into the complexities of human relationships and the societal transformations of the time. Billed to be a period drama, the movie also connects history with modern emotional themes.
Selvamani Selvaraj is the director of the film who aims to transport audiences to a bygone era. The project is produced by Rana Daggubati’s Spirit Media and Dulquer’s Wayfarer Films.