Powerstar Pawan Kalyan recently joined the last leg shoot of Harihara Veera Mallu. Directed by AM Jyothi Krishna, the film is inching its completion. Meanwhile, Pawan is also focusing on working on the project, They Call Him OG.
Directed by Sujeeth, the film’s new schedule has kick-started in Bangkok. Confirming the same, the film’s production house, DVV Entertainments shared a working still from the film’s sets.
We can see director Sujeeth engrossed in work and passing instructions on his mike. “The heat is real in BANGKOK…” revealed the team.
As per the reports, this is an important schedule where the team plans to can an action sequence. Sujeeth is confident of shaping a stylish blockbuster.
Thaman is the music director. Priyanka Arul Mohan plays the female lead role in the film.
This post was last modified on 10 December 2024 3:42 am
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