The last two days have witnessed chaos at Mohan Babu’s house, with Manoj and Mohan Babu lodging complaints with the police. The situation seems to have not calmed down, as Mohan Babu attacked the media at his house.
Earlier, Manchu Manoj was seen pushing the gates to enter the house with his men at Mohan Babu’s house. This quickly escalated when the media entered the house along with Manchu Manoj.
When a media person tried to converse with Mohan Babu, the veteran actor grabbed the mic and attacked the media person in a rage. The bouncers also attacked Manchu Manoj.
Police reportedly seized the guns from Mohan Babu and Machu Vishnu to avoid unwanted violence amid family conflicts and attacks.
This post was last modified on 10 December 2024 9:13 pm
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