The recent altercation at veteran actor Mohan Babu’s residence in Jalpally, Hyderabad, has escalated into serious legal and emotional turmoil. Following a confrontation involving Mohan Babu, Manchu Manoj, and media representatives, the Rachakonda Police Commissioner issued notices summoning Mohan Babu for questioning. Amidst these developments, Mohan Babu was admitted to Gachibowli Continental Hospital due to injuries sustained during the incident.
According to the doctors’ latest health bulletin, Mohan Babu is reportedly in a fragile mental state, with visible injuries, including swelling and a bruise under his left eye. A CT scan has been recommended to assess the extent of his injuries. His son, Manchu Vishnu, addressed the media, expressing regret over the incident while defending his father’s actions as unintentional and reactionary.
Manchu Vishnu claimed, “The situation escalated when Manoj forcefully broke through the residence’s gate. However, the attack against the media personnel was accidental. I urge for forgiveness to my father. It is very unfortunate, but my father’s intention was not that.”
In response to police notices, Vishnu questioned the timing, asserting that being summoned at such short notice was procedurally flawed. Meanwhile, Mohan Babu has filed a lunch motion petition in the High Court, requesting immediate police protection for himself and his family.
Vishnu also mentioned that he would not respond to questions about his family. He refused to talk about their acceptance of Manoj’s marriage and the conflicts happening within the family. “When my father asks me or my siblings to leave his house, how should we go back and live with them?” asked Vishnu, hinting at Mohan Babu’s unwillingness to welcome Manoj to the house.
When asked if Manoj is disrespecting his parents, Vishnu said, “Actions speak louder than words.”
When asked about Manoj’s statements that he is fighting with self-respect, Vishnu said that one should win things with love, but not like this.
This post was last modified on 11 December 2024 2:00 pm
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