Prashanth Varma and Teja Sajja impressed the audiences at the box office with the film HanuMan. The film was released during Sankranthi this year and became a huge blockbuster. Despite the competition from films like Guntur Kaaram, HanuMan survived at the ticket windows. Interestingly, the film also triggered some huge searches on Google.
In the year-end trends that Google releases, it is revealed that the phrase, ‘HanuMan movie near me’ gained a huge traction. Reportedly, the phrase is the top 10th most searched phrase on Google India’s Near Me category.
Not just in the Telugu states but the people across the nation evinced interest to watch the film and the data is the reason for the same. If the phrase, HanuMan movie near me entered the top 10 list, a huge number of people in North and across the country must have watched the film.
HanuMan was released across the pan-India level and recently, the film was screened at the International Film Festival, where it received a standing ovation.
Starring Rishab Shetty, the film’s sequel Jai HanuMan is currently in the works.
This post was last modified on 11 December 2024 6:45 pm
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