Allu Arjun is arrested today in connection with the case regarding the stampede incident that took place at Sandhya theatre, Hyderabad. The incident took place on the 4th of this month and the arrest happened today. Already, the police have arrested three individuals in connection to the case. In the middle of all this, Allu Arjun’s wife Sneha’s emotional moment is getting attention.
When the police officials went to Allu Arjun’s house to arrest him, the actor alleged that they did not give him enough time to respond and also did not give him time to change his dress.
In their house parking area, Allu Arjun is seen emotionally bidding bye to his wife. Sneha is visibly seen tensed and worried. However, Allu Arjun asked her to not worry and gave her strength. He patted on her shoulder, planted a kiss on cheeks and started to the PS along with the cops.
There are reports about Allu Arjun being taken to remand. More details are expected to be out soon.
This post was last modified on 13 December 2024 2:49 pm
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