Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8 concluded with Nikhil Maliyakkal emerging as the winner. The Karnataka native who shot to fame with the Telugu TV serials was in the house from day 1. He defeated Gautham Krishna in a closely contested finale. Gautham participated in the season 7 and also entered the show this season as a wild card contestant.
The grand event, hosted by Global Star Ram Charan, offered a unique twist with an unprecedented offer: one finalist could choose the Rs. 55 lakh prize money, while the other could take the trophy and a car. However, both finalists declined, leading to Ram Charan declaring Nikhil as the winner and Gautham Krishna as the runner-up.
Nikhil received a cash prize of Rs. 55 lakh along with a brand-new Maruti Suzuki Dzire car worth approximately Rs. 6.79 lakh, making his total winnings about Rs. 62 lakh.
Additionally, his remuneration during the show reportedly stood at Rs. 32,143 per day, amounting to Rs. 2.25 lakh per week.
This post was last modified on 15 December 2024 11:05 pm
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