Lavanya Tripathi has not been seen on the big screen over the last two years. Her last theatrical release was Happy Birthday, which was released in 2022. In 2023 and 2024, she was seen in two web series, Puli Meka and Miss Perfect. After a brief break, Lavanya is set to come back to the silver screen with her latest movie, Sathi Leelavathi.
The film’s title was announced yesterday on the occasion of Lavanya’s birthday. Tatineni Satya, who earlier made Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu and Shiva Manasulo Shruti (SMS), will be directing this project. According to the team, Sathi Leelavathi will feature Lavanya in yet another interesting and exciting role. This is her other female-oriented flick after Happy Birthday.
The shooting of Sathi Leelavathi will begin very soon. More details about the film will be announced in the coming days. Mickey J Mayer will compose the music for the project. Binendra Menon will handle the cinematography. Kosanam Vittal will be the art director and Satish Surya will be the editor. M Naga Mohan Babu and T Rajesh are jointly bankrolling the project under Durga Devi Pictures and Trio Studios.
This post was last modified on 16 December 2024 4:04 pm
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