Allari Naresh’s Bachchala Malli team had a prerelease event this evening. The prerelease event was attended by the KA actor Kiran Abbavaram and he opined that Naresh deserves better and also a ‘star’ tag.
While speaking at the event, Kiran Abbavaram said he might be wrong, but for many versatile performances delivered by Allari Naresh for more than 22 years, he deserves a ‘star’ tag and questioned why he was not given any until today when many others have it.
Kiran Abbavaram emphasized the hard work and great work from Allari Naresh in entertaining us all and asked for a ‘star’ tag. Kiran concluded that he doesn’t know if Allari Naresh likes it or not, but he thinks Naresh deserves more than what he is getting now.
Well, most of the ‘Star’ tags are being added to our heroes by the directors or the fans and sometimes the heroes themselves. They keep changing, either when the hero himself wants to be called with a different tag or by the success of their latest film. However, these are not permanent and that ‘star tag’ really does not fetch or affect anything when the hero delivers a proper success.
Allari Naresh’s Bachchala Malli is releasing on December 20th and we hope the movie will be successful.
This post was last modified on 17 December 2024 11:11 pm
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