In a major milestone, Pushpa 2: The Rule has surpassed the 23-year-old box office record set by Kushi at the iconic Sandhya 70mm Theatre in Hyderabad. In just four weeks, Pushpa 2 has earned over ₹1.59 crore, breaking the previous record of ₹1.53 crore set by Kushi in 2001. However, while Pushpa 2 has broken this long-standing record, Kushi still holds a special place in history for several reasons.
Back in the early 2000s, ticket prices ranged from ₹5 to ₹50 for various sections of the theatre, from the front rows to the balcony. Extra charges for premieres and official permission from authorities for such screenings were non-existent.
Moreover, black market ticket sales were a regular phenomenon, but these did not contribute to the official box office collections, which were not as accurately recorded at the time.
In contrast, Pushpa 2 has witnessed significantly higher ticket prices, with benefit shows priced at ₹900 and regular tickets for first-class seats at ₹250 for several weeks. This demonstrates the vast difference in ticket pricing between the two eras, making the records even more impressive.
The Sandhya 70mm Theatre is considered a mega stronghold for the Mega, and to see Pushpa 2 achieve this feat in such a revered space is a moment of pride for the film.
This post was last modified on 30 December 2024 3:02 pm
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