Srikanth Odela, the one-film-old director, is lucky enough to get an acceptance from Megastar Chiranjeevi. Many young filmmakers tried to direct Chiranjeevi, but Srikanth successfully got Chiru’s nod in just 48 hours. Surprisingly, Chiranjeevi will be seen in an age-appropriate avatar for this film.
Recently, Srikanth Odela opened up about the project.
“I grew up watching Chiranjeevi garu’s films, and I can’t believe I’m working with him. We finalized the script within 48 hours. It felt like I was on cloud nine. This film will be different from his earlier ones. You won’t see the vintage megastar; instead, you’ll see him in a fresh, age-appropriate avatar. I’m a fan only until Chiranjeevi garu steps out of his caravan. Once he does, he becomes a character in my film,” Srikanth shared.
For many years in Telugu cinema, critics have argued that the star heroes of Tollywood should stop romancing heroines on the screen and play characters of their age. Venkatesh tries it now and then, but all other heroes are yet to catch the trend. Now, Chiranjeevi finally takes the big leap to play his age on the screen for Odela’s project.
If this becomes a hit, Chiranjeevi can definitely start a new phase/innings in his career, just like Amitabh Bachchan in Bollywood.
Tags Chiru Odela Nani Srikanth Odela Chiranjeevi