Game Changer pre-release event, held in Rajahmundry, has become a big hit. AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan attended the event. However, a tragedy has been struck after two young fans died while they were on their way back home from the event. Tokada Charan and Arava Manikantha from Kakinada lost their lives, and Dil Raju confirmed the same at a recent press meet.
Expressing deep sorrow over the incident, producer Dil Raju announced financial support for the grieving families. He pledged to provide Rs. 5 lakh to each family and assured his continued support in the future.
Game Changer, produced by Dil Raju in collaboration with Ram Charan and director Shankar, is a highly anticipated Pan-India project that is made on a massive budget. As part of its release strategy, the Andhra Pradesh government has permitted special benefit shows to be held on January 10 at 1 am, with ticket prices capped at Rs. 600. From the 4 am screening onward, ticket prices will be increased by Rs. 175 for multiplexes and Rs. 135 for single-screen theaters.
Dil Raju also plans to get hiked prices in Telangana. More details on the same are awaited.
Tags Game Changer