Abhishek Nama who made his directorial debut with Devil is taking the direction responsibilities for the second time for his latest production venture Nagabandham that is crafted on a grand scale under Abhishek Pictures, in association with NIK Studios, with Kishore Annapureddy as the producer. This Pan India movie comes with the tagline- The Secret Treasure.
Virat Karrna of Peddha Kapu fame plays the lead role in this majestic adventure laced with magic and mysterious aspects interlaced in it. The spiritual pre-look poster reveals him standing in front of a massive, ancient temple door, with a faint glow emanating from within, hinting at the secrets and challenges that lie ahead. The character Rudhra will be introduced on January 13th, during the Sankranthi festival. The film is currently in production in Hyderabad.
The young hero takes up the challenge to play a very challenging role in his very second movie. The previously released captivating introductory video that showed the fascinating world spellbound us with its enormous visuals, and fascinating score.
Soundar Rajan S cranks the camera, while Abhe is the music composer. The story of the movie revolves around the Nagabandham for the treasure of 108 Vishnu temples in the country.
Nabha Natesh and Iswarya Menon play the lead actresses in the movie with a universal subject.