In a landmark event that will shape the future of Indian cinema, SS Rajamouli, the visionary director behind the globally successful film RRR, inaugurated India’s first-ever Dolby certified postproduction facility for cinema and home at the iconic Annapurna Studios. Nagarjuna Akkineni, Vice Chairman of Annapurna Studios was also present.
This state-of-the-art Dolby-certified facility aims to elevate the audio-visual standards of Indian filmmaking, providing filmmakers with an advanced environment to craft films that meet international benchmarks. The collaboration between Annapurna Studios and Dolby highlights the studio’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and enhancing the quality of Indian cinema.
The inauguration featured a special screening of RRR footage in Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Rajamouli, speaking at the event, stated, “We had to go to Germany for Dolby Vision grading. Now, Annapurna Studios has its own Dolby Vision facility, and soon Dolby Cinemas will be across India.”
Nagarjuna Akkineni praised Annapurna Studios’ legacy of embracing groundbreaking technologies to ensure Indian films gain global recognition. “As we celebrate our 50th year, this collaboration with Dolby is a giant leap forward in shaping the future of cinema,” he remarked.
Supriya Yarlagadda, Executive Director of Annapurna Studios, highlighted the facility’s role in empowering filmmakers to create technically superior and emotionally resonant films, ushering in a new era for Indian cinema.
Tags Rajamouli