Nandamuri Balakrishna, Pragya Jaiswal, and Shraddha Srinath are playing the lead roles in the film Daaku Maharaaj. The film is hitting the screens on the 12th of this month. Directed by KS Ravindra, the film is produced by Naga Vamshi and Sai Soujanya. The team held a pre-release event today in Hyderabad.
Speaking at the event, Balakrishna promised a blockbuster for the fans.
“We always wanted to attempt a genre which no one attempted before. That is how we picked the story. Everyone worked hard for this film. We took extreme care to satisfy the expectations of the fans,” said Balakrishna at the event.
Balakrishna appreciated the cast and crew and wished the best for everyone.
“We recently started the shoot of Akhanda 2 and it will mark my second innings. My fans always encouraged me by delivering back to back hits to me. I will show what I can do, going forward,” said Balakrishna.
“Daaku Maharaaj will be releasing on the occasion of Sankranthi. The film will exceed all the expectations. We had doubs on how Daaku Maharaaj title will be received. The teaser had nothing and it was called dull. The trailer received called acceptable. But the release trailer today is receiving immense response among the audience,” Balayya said.
Tags Balayya Daaku Maharaaj Prerelease event Daaku Maharaaj Release Trailer Nandamuri Balakrishna