While the box office in the Telugu states this Sankranthi witnessed the competition of three movies, the situation in Tamilnadu is different. Of all the films scheduled for a release during Pongal, one film, Madhagadha Raja caught everyone’s attention.
Almost after 12 years, the film made its way to theatres today. The film was announced in 2012 but was released today. The movie suffered a lot of delays, and underwent multiple issues. However, the makers brought it to theatres finally.
As per the reports in Chennai media and going by the trends on social media, Madhagadha Raja has become a big hit. The audiences are enjoying the film thoroughly in theatres. There are a lot of positive tweets about the film on X.
Despite being shelved for a decade, the film’s comedy impressed many. Santhanam, Vijay Antony, Vishal, and others are also a part of the film. Sundar C is known for coming up with entertaining content and he hit the bull’s eye this time.
Tags Madha Gaja Raja Vishal