Hombale Films in collaboration with Kleem Productions is making a 3D epic Mahavatar Narasimha with Ashwin Kumar helming the project. On the auspicious occasion of Sankranthi, the makers revealed the film’s teaser, offering a glimpse into a spectacular visual journey.
The teaser introduces the tale of the Demon King Hiranyakashyap, who, seeking vengeance against Vishnu, declares himself the supreme god. However, his son Prahlad remains steadfast in his devotion to Vishnu. Enraged, Hiranyakashyap tortures Prahlad, but Vishnu, in the form of Narasimha, emerges to restore justice, defeating the demon and honoring Prahlad’s unshakable faith.
With stunning visuals, cutting-edge technology, and top-tier production design, the teaser offers a visually arresting experience. Mahavatar Narasimha is scheduled for release on April 3rd of this year and is sure to leave audiences awe-struck.