Mega producer Allu Arvind has launched his OTT app Aha, just before the country slipped into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. If there is no lockdown or no Covid-19 pandemic, he might have released some 6-10 webseries by now already. But the crisis has stopped Arvind big time.
Taking things into hands, other day, Allu Arvind is said to have sent a proposal to Telangana government to allow his company to shoot web series with a limited crew of 15-20 members. According to an English daily report, Arvind is said to be trying very hard to get the permission such that he could resume many projects that he gave green signal to, already.
However, just a couple of days after relaxing some of the lockdown rules, Hyderabad experienced another worst nightmare other day. A whopping 79 positive cases are registered, thus alarming the authorities with the new Covid-19 positive cases surge. Exactly at this point of time, Allu Arvind has sent a proposal to the government, which might not evince any interest, feel observers.
Also, theatre owners are also sending proposals to Govt to allow them run the business with limited public consumption.
This post was last modified on 13 May 2020 9:34 am
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