For the past few days there have been strong rumours about popular character artist Surekha Vani’s personal step. It’s about her ‘second wedding’ and the rumours claimed that Surekha’s daughter Supritha wants her mother to remarry just like singer Sunitha. As this rumours spread like wildfire, Surekha came out and condemned them.
Yet the rumours are not stopping. In order to put an end these unnecessary stuff, Surekha’s daughter Supritha has made a piece of suggestion to the media. “Just report the news that are happening, don’t create new stuff. Or at least don’t call yourself journalists/prime news channels when you are just killing someone’s reputation and career for your revenue,” wrote Supritha on her Instagram story.
Supritha’s advice is the need of the hour. Many celebrities have fallen to this hoax and got troubled without their involvement. Surekha Vani might have faced the same discomfort and seeing her mother go through all this, her daughter Supritha could not contain her anguish.
Tags Supritha Vani Surekha Vani Surekha Vani Daughter