Karthikeya-starrer Chaavu Kaburu Challaga had hit the screens last Friday and received lukewarm response from the audiences. Many people lauded its novel idea but opined that the execution was not done in the right way. Meanwhile, some of the netizens alleged the film to be a copy of a Telugu short film named Nivasi. However, director Koushik Pegellapati refuted the rumours and affirmed that it is his own idea.
When the copy allegations popped up, one of the netizens questioned Koushik about it on social media. Responding to him, Koushik wrote, “Kindly go and watch the film in your nearest theatres if you haven’t. If you still have any doubts after that, ask me for my story registration date, time and year with the stamp. Cheers!”
Nivasi was released in 2020 but Chaavu Kaburu Challaga was announced way before that. The film featured Lavanya Tripathi as the female lead. Aamani, Murali Sharma and Srikanth Iyengar played the other important roles in it. Chaavu Kaburu Challaga was produced by Bunny Vaas.
This post was last modified on 21 March 2021 12:24 pm
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