Tamil actor Sarathkumar and wife Radhika received a setback from a special court in Chennai in connection with a cheque bounce case. Both Sarath and Radhika are sentenced to one year imprisonment in this case.
Going into details, Sarathkumar, his wife Radhika and a third person are partners of Magic Frames production house. This banner had borrowed huge amount of money from Radiance Media Private Limited, a money lending firm for production of movies based out in Chennai.
Having failed to make the repayment and the cheques handed over from Magic Frames to Radiance Media, bounced. In 2017, Radiance Media dragged Sarathkumar, Radhika and the third person to the court. Criminal proceedings were imposed in this case and in 2019, Sarathkumar and Radhika approached the Madras High Court seeking squash of this case. But the court declined.
In a fresh judgement, the special court has sentenced Sarathkumar and Radhika to one year jail. Against this verdict, both have filed a suspension petition. It is yet to be placed before the court.
This post was last modified on 7 April 2021 3:06 pm
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