2013’s crime thriller Drishyam made in Malayalam with Mohanlal went onto become a cult film. The film bagged critical acclaim as well as commercial success. That was the first Malayalam film to cross over Rs 50 Crore gross. It’s subsequently remade into Tamil and Telugu with Kamal Haasan and Venkatesh respectively and did well at the BO. The latest is that director Jeethu Joseph is coming up with Drishyam sequel with Mohanlal.
While Jeethu and Mohanlal had teamed up for Ram, an action thriller with Trisha Krishnan and others. The movie was officially launched in last December. The makers had started the film’s shoot and even released the film’s poster. However, for unknown reasons, Jeethu Joseph and Mohanlal had decided to put Ram on hold. None other than Jeethu revealed that they had put Ram on hold and the duo would begin Drishyam sequel once the lockdown ends.
Drishyam sequel will go onto the floors as soon as Kerala government allows shooting permissions. Mohanlal has been doing quite well. His Lucifer, a political thriller, had made over Rs 200 crore world-wide gross and is going to have a Telugu remake with Chiranjeevi. The sequel of Lucifer is also in pipeline.
This post was last modified on 21 May 2020 3:54 pm
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