Junglee Pictures, which had bankrolled films like Talvar, Raazi, and Badhaai Ho in the past, announced its new production venture. It acquired the rights of Jeevajothi Santhakumar and is all set to bring her life on the silver screen. For those who are unaware, Jeevajothi is the daughter of one of the employees of a popular hotel chain Saravana Bhavan. She accused the hotel’s founder P Rajagopal of murdering her husband in 2001.
Announcing the project, Junglee Pictures tweeted, “It’s official! Junglee Pictures have acquired the life rights of Jeevajothi Santhakumar, & are all set to bring to screen an untold story inspired by true events. #AStoryThatMustBeTold #Jeevajothis18YearStruggle #DosaKing.”
Saravana Bhavan is a highly popular food chain that is spread across 20 countries across the globe, including the USA and the UK. Rajagopal found guilty by the court for kidnapping and murdering Prince Shanthakumar, who worked under him. After his death, Shanthakumar’s wife Jeevajothi fought hard to bring justice for her husband. Finally, Rajagopal (popularly known as Dosa King) was sentenced to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment by the Court. He died in 2019, days after he was arrested. He was aged 73.
Bhavani Iyer, who penned the scripts of Lootera, Black, and Raazi, will write the story of this film as well. Jeevajothi is elated that Junglee Pictures is making a film on her legal and emotional battle with this affluent hotelier and a struggle that went on for more than 18 years. She opined that the movie will bring a drastic change in the status quo of patriarchy.
According to the sources, the film will cover Rajagopal’s evolution in the business, how he is worshipped by his employees, how he harassed Jeevajothi and her family, his failed murder attempts, the events that led him to murder Shantakumar, and the trial that happened after that incident. More details about the film will be revealed soon.
This post was last modified on 11 July 2021 3:57 pm
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