Watch: Devara Release Day Trailer

Fairytales involve a lot of fantasies, and most of them are hard to believe or get convinced. Usually, such fairytales are formed only in dreams, but sometimes, these wildest dreams turn true and take shape in real forms. The film Devara promises such a fairy tale, and the latest release trailer hints at the same, and the makers are also assuring the point.

Ahead of the film’s release, the makers released the release trailer, which hiked the expectations altogether. Compared to the first one, the second trailer is more focused on content, but the team cleverly hid the core plot details in this trailer as well.

The action-packed trailer is full of emotion and mystery about what Devara is up to. It has been cut well with a great score from Anirudh. The trailer showcases both the characters of NTR along with another cast like Saif Ali Khan, Srikanth, Janhvi Kapoor, Talluri Rameswari, and others.

Produced by NTR Arts and Yuvasudha Arts, this epic story is releasing in two parts, with the first one gearing up for a release on the 27th of this month.