“Curry & Cyanide,” the compelling true-crime documentary directed by Christo Tomy, offers a disturbing exploration of the unsettling events that transpired in Koodathayi, a serene village in Kerala, India, spanning from 2002 to 2016. Premiered on Netflix on December 22, 2023, the series delves into the perplexing Koodathayi Cyanide killing case, a chilling narrative centering around Jolly Joseph.
Having released without any buzz, the series is now gaining attention from the movie lovers. The presentation and narrative arrested the viewers that it is slowly gaining viewership.
Initially portraying herself as a devoted mother, Jolly is revealed in the series as the accused mastermind behind the poisoning of six family members, including her first husband, through cyanide-laced food. The documentary unveils Jolly’s motive—a desire to inherit the family property and facilitate a marriage with her lover, who coincidentally is her late husband’s cousin.
The series captivates audiences with its suspenseful storytelling, compelling reenactments, and a shocking revelation of the profound impact one person’s actions can have on an entire community.
Netflix India has come up with many documentaies in the past but ‘Curry & Cyanide’ standout as the best so far.
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