Despite its grand production and the scenic backdrop of Paris, the ‘Berlin’ spin-off, featuring Pedro Alonso reprising his role from ‘Money Heist,’ falls short of replicating the excitement and intrigue of its predecessor. The series, set before the events of ‘Money Heist,’ follows the notorious anti-hero Berlin as he orchestrates a jewel heist in France.
However, the spin-off lacks the captivating characters, clever plot twists, and unpredictability that made ‘Money Heist’ a fan favorite. Pedro Alonso’s portrayal of Berlin in this prequel fails to capture the charisma seen in the original series, as the attempt to humanize the character results in a less compelling version. The heist itself feels convenient and comical, lacking the gripping unpredictability that defined its predecessor.
Despite its picturesque setting and the addition of new characters like Keila, an introverted hacker, ‘Berlin’ struggles to deliver the depth and engagement of ‘Money Heist.’
The writing falls short in creating compelling backstories, and the heist, meant to be the focal point, lacks the intensity that kept viewers on the edge of their seats in the original series.
With only two cameo-like appearances from the original in the final episodes, ‘Berlin’ disappoints fans expecting a seamless connection and fails to recapture the magic that made ‘Money Heist’ a sensation.
This post was last modified on 10 January 2024 4:59 pm
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