Around ten days ago, a devastating car crash in the United States changed the lives of an NRI family forever. Kalyan Yalamanchili, his wife Divya, and their four-year-old son Eshwar Yalamanchili were involved in the fatal accident, and they are now in dire need of financial assistance to cover their medical expenses.
Kalyan Yalamanchili, a skilled professional in the tech industry, had moved to the United States in mid-2022. His wife and son, Divya and Eshwar, joined him in May 2023. Tragically, on July 21st, their lives took an unexpected turn when the car accident occurred in Knoxville, Tennessee.
The Yalamanchili family, who are residents of Charlotte, is facing a challenging battle for survival. In this trying time, they are reaching out for support through donations. The family is humbly requesting donors with compassionate hearts to contribute to their cause. So far, more than 3000 donors have come forward to stand in solidarity with the Yalamanchili family, but they still need additional help.
For those willing to extend a helping hand, you can make a valuable contribution to support the Yalamanchili family’s recovery from this tragic accident through the following link:
Acts of kindness and generosity can make an immense difference in the lives of those facing adversity. Any assistance provided will be truly appreciated and undoubtedly blessed!
This post was last modified on 31 July 2023 1:30 pm
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