Malaika Arora, the timeless diva who mesmerized Telugu audiences with her sizzling performances in blockbuster songs like Kevvu Keka from Gabbar Singh and Rathraina from Mahesh Babu’s Athidi, continues to reign as a fitness icon at 50. While her Bollywood tracks haven’t created much buzz lately, Malaika’s flawless style and dedication to fitness keep her in the spotlight.
The ever-glamorous star was recently spotted flaunting her toned physique in a dazzling silver gym co-ord set by Reebok. Sporting a sleeveless crop top and matching shorts, Malaika looked effortlessly sexy as she struck yoga poses with poise. Fans can’t get enough of her youthful glow, proving that she’s still the queen of fitness and fashion!
This post was last modified on 15 December 2024 6:58 am
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