Following her incredible debut in Uppena, Krithi Shetty—fondly referred to as “Bebamma” by Telugu audiences—has undergone a transformation. The actress has moved smoothly to Tamil cinema, where she is making a name for herself, despite a few hiccups in Tollywood. Krithi wrote a touching article as 2024 draws to a close, looking back on her year full of love, education, and special moments.
“Very thankful for everything this year has taught me, for all the love, development, experiences, and memories I made,” Krithi wrote in a heartfelt statement on Instagram. My films that made me feel so loved by the public, the amazing individuals I got to work with and learn from, and everything else that made me happy. I am so appreciative of my team for working with me all year 💓 and all the fan pages for their unwavering love and support. I am so grateful for all of the positive feedback 💘. I hope everyone has a ton of love and happiness! I hope 2025 is filled with happiness and tranquillity. I am eager to share all I have worked on this year, which will be released soon 💝.
Krithi’s fans couldn’t help but shower her with love and excitement as they eagerly await her upcoming projects. Currently, the actress is busy with a string of Tamil films, including *aa Vaathiyaar, Love Insurance Kompany, and Ginie.