Pragya Jaiswal, the stunning actress known for her roles in Tollywood, is gearing up for a major return to the silver screen with her upcoming film Daaku Maharaaj, starring Nandamuri Balakrishna. The film, slated for a grand Sankranti release on January 12th, has already got fans excited. But before the promotional whirlwind begins, Pragya took a well-deserved break to the city of dreams—London!
Joining her on this getaway was her best friend, Rakul Preet, and the duo made sure to leave a lasting impression with their stylish powersuit ensembles. From indulging in the best food, partying, and capturing fun selfies, Pragya shared a glimpse of their adventures with her followers. Her caption read: “A little escape to the best city with my best bunch ❤️🧿 Goodbye London! You were beyond phenomenal.. Now onto the next 🚀.”
As Pragya returns to the Tollywood scene, it’s clear that 2025 is going to be a busy year. After her last appearance in Akhanda in 2021, she’s not only preparing to promote Daaku Maharaaj but also gearing up for the next chapter with Akhanda 2, currently in the filming stages. Fans can expect more action, drama, and style from this rising star!
This post was last modified on 3 January 2025 3:23 pm
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