Looks like Rakulpreet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are finally on their much-awaited honeymoon! The actress recently shared a series of stunning pictures on her Instagram, seemingly confirming their romantic getaway. Rakul looks radiant in a blue bikini paired with a matching shrug, soaking up the Fijian sun with a blissful smile. Her hair is tied up in a high bun, keeping things cool and casual.
The caption, “Where sky meets the soul When @jackkybhagnani turns into the best photographer ❤️,” hints at their honeymoon destination – the idyllic Fiji Islands. Rakul seems absolutely smitten, and it’s heartwarming to see the newlyweds enjoying their special time together. Fans are showering them with love and well wishes in the comments section. Here’s to hoping Rakul shares more glimpses of their paradise honeymoon!
This post was last modified on 21 May 2024 5:11 pm
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