Bollywood diva Janhvi Kapoor has once again set the fashion world ablaze with her latest ensemble. The actress attended the trailer preview of her upcoming movie Ulajh, donning a chic and sultry Balmain blazer dress that had all eyes on her.
The quirky monochrome ensemble featured a strapless design that flaunted Janhvi’s decolletage, along with a faux button closure and a thigh-high slit that added a risque touch to the look. The distinctive notch lapel collars placed on the bust gave the dress a decidedly double agent-inspired twist, elevating Janhvi’s power dressing game. The actress completed the look with a glossy pout, wispy lashes, and a dewy, glowing complexion, further accentuating her stunning features.
Janhvi’s confident pose and effortless styling have left fans swooning, solidifying her status as a true fashion icon.
This post was last modified on 16 July 2024 10:42 am
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