The pre-release event of Sukumar’s Pushpa, starring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna in the lead roles took place on Sunday in a lavish manner. Several bigwigs like SS Rajamouli, Koratala Siva, Venky Kudumula and Buchhi Babu Sana graced the event.
Sukumar and DSP could not attend the event as they are in Mumbai, completing the last works of the film. Rashmika gave an impressive speech – “When Bunny sir came to one of my audio functions, I remember wishing that I get a chance to work with him some day. Today I’m his Srivalli, he’s my Pushpa Raj. It was really hard to learn Chittoor slang but the film is worth it.”
Allu Arjun said – “We want cinema to win, it’s not just about my film. We have many releases coming up, I wish them all the best”.
This post was last modified on 13 December 2021 12:34 pm
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