YS Sharmila led YSR Telangana party (YSRTP) received its first blow. The party’s crucial leader Indira Shoban has resigned and on Friday morning she has sent her resignation letter to party chief Sharmila.
Indira has been playing a pivotal role in Sharmila’s party even before it was formally launched. She took part in TV debates, organised meetings, events and even prepared speeches for Sharmila.
But why did Indira quit YSRTP all of a sudden, is a big question. In YSRTP, Indira received a warm reception from Sharmila and there were no differences between the duo.
On the contrary, there have been reports that if Revanth Reddy is made the T-PCC chief, she would return to Congress party and the post resignation, this buzz has gained huge importance. Close sources categorically hint that Indira will definitely return to Congress as she supports Revanth Reddy leadership.
Post resignation, Indira said she would decide upon her future political course very soon. So it is obvious that Indira might straight head to Congress. But for the YSRTP, it is a huge setback. The party is already lacking noteworthy faces and so it is failing to garner enough attention from people.
Tags Indira Shoban Sharmila YSRTP