BJP Telangana state chief Bandi Sanjay is known for his provocative speeches which can incite members of a particular community in the Old City of Hyderabad. In his latest speech during the Hindu Ekta Yatra, Bandi made some controversial statements, which apparently targeted the Muslim community yet again.
He said that the BJP would demolish and dig out all mosques in Telangana, if the party came to power. If corpses are unearthed during the excavation of these religious places, the Muslims should take them away and if Shivalingas are found, the BJP would keep them aside, he said.
He also said that licences of the madarsas would be scrapped as these places have turned into training centres for the terrorists. Similarly, reservations for Muslims would be cancelled and quota would be provided to the Hindus, he said.
On keen observation of his statements, one can easily understand that none of his statements can be a reailty. At the grassroots-level, it is highly impossible for the BJP to rise to power in Telangana as it neither has strong leaders nor a loyal cadre.
Of the total 119 constituencies in Telangana, BJP does not have a strong leader in at least 25 of them. The ruling TRS already enjoys strong support from the public while the Congress is giving a tough fight under the leadership of PCC Chief A. Revanth Reddy this time.
According to information from sources, there is some opposition against TRS boss and Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao and if it is to be believed, it could lead to a Hung Assembly or the electoreate would give absolute majority to the Congress.
This post was last modified on 26 May 2022 4:04 pm
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