Defiant YSRCP MP Raghurama Krishna Raju, who is known for his relentless attack and diatribe against CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, has given a new name to his arch rival. Taking a leaf from Jagan’s recent statement where he said his job is to “press the button” to transfer government funds to beneficiaries and asked his party MLAs to stay in the grassroots and interact with the public constantly, Raghurama Raju called Jagan as “Button Mohan Reddy”.
Raghurama Raju raised the issue of government schools and the governance. He said the government schools are struggling with lack of infrastructure and many schools are being shut down by the government. Raju asked CM Jagan to solve the issues in the education sector. Calling Education Minister Botsa Satyanarayana “powerless”, Raghurama Raju blamed the minister, officials in the education department and CM Jagan for the poor facilities offered to the students. He alleged that parents are forced to join their children in private schools with the shutting down of many schools. Raghurama Raju cautioned CM Jagan that his party may not win in the next general election if the issues are not addressed.
Raghurama Raju also raised the issue of “Kodi Kathi” and asked the status of the investigation of the case. He threw some satires on the NIA and its investigation in the case. Raghurama Raju too mentioned the delay in the investigation of the brutal murder of CM Jagan’s uncle and former Kadapa MP YS Vivekananda Reddy.
As Raghurama Raju gave a new name to Jagan, this word “Button Reddy” is becoming popular in social media and political circles. It needs to be seen how YSRCP would strongly counter Raju. Already, Raju has been prevented from attending the Alluri statue inauguration that was attended by PM Narendra Modi, Governor Biswabhushan and CM Jagan, actor Chiranjeevi.
This post was last modified on 19 July 2022 5:10 pm
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