YSRCP MP Vijay Sai Reddy has shared some pictures on his Twitter the other day. He was seen posing with some animals including snakes. Sharing the pictures, Sai Reddy tweeted, “Admiring the exquisite beauty of the different species of animals is my kind of recreational activity! Sharing a few snippets from the time spent at Shamshabad farm today.” As soon as the pics and post came out, netizens immediately recognised the animals and the ambience of Chikoti Praveen’s farm house.
It is well known that Chikoti Praveen is being probed by ED in the Goa casino case.The ED is suspicious over Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) violations in the casino row. ED has gathered the complete call data of Chikoti Praveen and is inquiring several known personalities.
Amidst this, Sai Reddy’s visit to Chikoti farm house has become a hot topic. Recently, director Ram Gopal Varma too visited the farmhouse to see the different animals that are raised at this farm house which is Chikoti Praveen’s hobby.
This post was last modified on 20 November 2022 10:51 am
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