Andhra Pradesh chief minister was supposed to attend the annual celebrations of Visakha Sarada Peetham tomorrow. The five-day annual celebration commenced today (Jan 27) and lasts till Jan 31st. The annual celebrations will reportedly see the attendance of five governors of various states. Sarada Peetham’s Swaroopananda and hundreds of Veda pandits, priests are participating in the annual celebrations. Raja Shyamala Yagam is scheduled to take place tomorrow at Sarada Peetham and Jagan has been invited for this special Yagam.
CM Jagan has a great association with Swaroopananda. Everyone thought Jagan would attend this landmark annual celebration. But CM Jagan decided to skip. In a last-minute decision, the AP CM has cancelled his Vizag visit tomorrow. In a wireless message to the District Collectors of Visakhapatnam, Krishna and Guntur districts, it is informed that CM Jagan’s visit to Visakhapatnam on 28th Jan has been cancelled.
The reason for Jagan cancelling his tomorrow’s Vizag visit is not known. But some media reports have it that Jagan is reportedly concerned about his cousin and Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy’s visit to CBI office tomorrow in Hyderabad as part of the investigation of Babayi YS Viveka’s murder.
Earlier today, Jagan has also cancelled his visit to Hyderabad and Guntur district’s Ponnur visit. All the Jagan’s official programmes are cancelled with his last-minute decision to be absent. Meanwhile, speculations in political circles and media circles have it that Jagan may fly to Delhi to meet the Centre. The reasons for Jagan’s Delhi visit are not known yet.
Earlier, Jagan’s close aide and his state government advisor Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy made some sensational comments that TDP’s sleeper cells in the BJP are behind the CBI summons to Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy in Viveka’s murder case. He alleged that there is a political conspiracy against Avinash Reddy. Amidst all this, Jagan skipping the Vizag trip has gained a lot of significance and so the ongoing speculations of his Delhi visit.
This post was last modified on 28 January 2023 12:06 am
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