Nandamuri Balakrishna has stunned everyone, especially the die-hard fans of Pawan Kalyan and the cadre of the Janasena party. In the Hindupur Assembly constituency, the TDP and Janasena coordination meeting was held. During this, Balayya made interesting comments. Balayya wore Janasena Party’s scarf which further cheered the crowd. Balayya’s speech won the hearts of Pawan’s fans. Janasena party cadre is elated with Balayya’s comments. Balayya said he has similarities with Pawan Kalyan. He said both are open-minded with straight talk.
Balakrishna stated, “Brother Pawan Kalyan, thank you for voluntarily coming forward to be part of this Yagam. I thank all his party leaders and workers for this association and alliance to work for the progress.” He said this marks a new era in Andhra Pradesh politics. He wished that TDP – Janasena combine should win all the Assembly seats in the coming general elections.
Balayya ended his speech by saying, “Jai TDP…Jai Janasena”. Looking at the bonhomie and bond that is brewing between the top leadership of TDP and Janasena, it looks like the small tiffs and differences among the local leadership may be ironed out.
This post was last modified on 16 November 2023 3:36 pm
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