KCR Still Dreams To Be PM!


Telangana’s ex Chief Minister still appears to be in the hangover of the defeat in the bygone assembly elections. He is occasionally making comments that is a matter of six months to a year before Revanth gets ousted from Congress. And now, he has projected himself as the PM candidate.

In a media addressal, KCR said “Why wouldn’t I be in the PM race? I would be delighted to take up the opportunity if it presents itself. Who wouldn’t take up that opportunity.” KCR said.

The former CM further commented that he still has national politics dreams and would pounce on any opportunity that comes his way.

While KCR’s confidence and intent are being welcomed by BRS supporters, neural political followers are amused by this comment. They are questioning KCR’s audacity to project himself as the PM candidate after being brought down from power and not even having contested in the MP polls.

At a time when BRS outfit as a whole is projected to win not more than 1-2 seats according to many surveys, KCR projecting himself as the PM is amusing many. Being optimistic is one thing but what KCR is projecting is beyond comprehension, commented a social media tracker.