AP Civil Supplies Minister: What A Changeover!

Andhra Pradesh has welcomed its new cabinet with the formulation of the TDP-JSP-BJP government. The new ministers have taken charge with regard to their respective ministries and we are starting to see new zestful energy amongst the new crop of cabinet ministers.

If there is one ministry that is seeing a sharp difference in the nature of men holding portfolios, it would be the Civil Supplies Ministry.

Earlier, in YCP’s tenure, Kodali Nani was the civil supplies minister. During Kodali’s time, there was an internal talk in the secretariat that he was more focused on abusing and badmouthing Chandrababu, Pawan Kalyan, and Lokesh than focusing on his own ministry.

Now, in the new cabinet that was formed by the alliance, Nadendla Manohar is the new civil supplies minister. Interestingly, Nadendla is in complete contrast to Kodali Nani. He is a very soft-spoken person and prefers to give constructive criticism rather than shout with a loud mouth. He has gotten into his duty already as he started reviewing the civil supplies files and called for better output in the ration supplies department.

Andhra Pradesh’s civil supplies ministry has gone from an extremely loud Kodali Nani to a calm and sensible Nadendla. While personality-wise, Nadendla is already ahead, time will tell if he is a better administrator than Kodali as well.