Jagan Security: Eenadu Says 986, Perni Says 196

For the unversed, the former CM of AP, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had brought in a new order that would mandate close proximity security to him and his immediate family members wherever they are in the world. This would naturally require a large proportion of security personnel available at Jagan’s vicinity around the clock.

Eenadu, being Eenadu compiled a factual report based on the the huge security fleet used by Jagan Mohan Reddy and the crores of public money spent on this. This elaborate report on public money being spent on Jagan’s security caught the attention all over on social media. Eenadu reported that a whopping 986 security personnel, including 200+ commandos were used for Jagan’s security.

But YCP was quick to react to this report as Perni Nani came in front of the media today and claimed that only 196 security personnel were used by Jagan in his tenure. He called the Eenadu report a fabricated one.

Perni tried to defend Jagan’s extensive security requirements by saying Chandrababu too had 1000+ security personnel at his disposal.

For whatever reason, every single expenditure of Jagan has started to come under the radar now. The lavish Rushikonda palace, illicitly constructed YCP head offices, and the extensive security coverage have all put Jagan in bad press over the last few weeks.