Telugu Desam and Janasena have been repeatedly alleging that Punganur MLA Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy is involved with red sandalwood smuggling and sand mafia. Interestingly enough, one such file regarding Peddireddy has now hit Pawan Kalyan’s table and the deputy CM himself has commented on this matter.
In his latest interaction with the media, Pawan said a file pertaining to the red sandalwood smuggling operation of Peddireddy has hit his table.
“Peddireddy and Mithun Reddy were involved with endless smuggling activities over the last five years. The previous government gave them a freehand with a red sandalwood smuggling operation. But fate has come back to haunt them as Nepal police caught their red sandalwood load. They tried to smuggle the wood through Nepal and this has been seized now.” Pawan said.
Pawan added that the file regarding this smuggling operation has come up to his table and he is seeing how he cand proceed with this.
Earlier, Peddireddy Mithun Reddy was assigned the responsibility of defeating Pawan in Pithapuram. Fate played its part now, and as claimed by Pawan himself, the same Peddireddy’s smuggling file has hit his table. It has to be seen how the deputy CM will deal with this case now.
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