On Saturday, one Madan Mohan Manipati lodged a complaint with the Endowments Commissioner on Kalingiri Shanthi, who is currently working as an Assistant Commissioner (suspended) in the same department. The complainant alleged that his wife Shanthi became pregnant by immoral means after he went to aboard.
In his complaint, he further expressed doubt that YSRCP leader and Rajyasabha MP Vijay Sai Reddy or government pleader Pothireddy Subhash Reddy might be responsible for her pregnancy and demanded a DNA test to find out the legitimacy of the child. This news became a sensation all over the media because the complainant raised suspicion about Vijay Sai Reddy, who is a close aide to former CM Jagan Mohan Reddy.
Reacting on this sensitive issue, Shanthi came out and addressed a press meet on Sunday evening. She broke down in front of the media and stated that she is very disturbed with the allegations about her personal life. She said it is unethical and unfair to link her with Vijay Sai Reddy in an illicit affair.
Shanthi asserted that she and Madan Mohan Manipati divorced in 2016 after a mutual understanding. She also admitted that she married Subhash in 2020 and have a child with him. Earlier, she said that he married Madan Mohan in 2013 and gave birth to twins in 2015.
Expressing deep anguish on the alleged rumours with Vijay Sai Reddy, Shanthi said she knows him only as an MP, but there is no other relation as speculated in the media.
Shanthi is a notable person because she faced numerous corruption charges when YSRCP was in power. Moreover, she has been facing several disciplinary charges for her irregularities and unruly behaviour while discharging her duties.
Meanwhile, Vijay Sai Reddy informed that he will address the media at 11 o clock today.
This post was last modified on 15 July 2024 7:22 am
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