Viral Pics: Bras, Fish, Sofa Looted From PM’s House

The condition of Bangladesh has hit its deepest trench with the country observing treacherous situations after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina quit her post and fled the country. Immediately after Hasina left the country, protestors swung to action as they looted all they could find inside the PM’s residence.

Shocking pics are emerging on social media as people are seen carrying bras, sarees, fish, sofas, car tires, table fans, and carpets from the PM residence.

The pics and videos of the protesting public looting the PM’s residence give a measure of the current situation in Bangladesh presently as military rule is in effect here.

The new rule has imposed restrictions on internet and social media platforms in the country now, in a bid to curb the outgoing information. But the situation at its worst, as is.

Under 15 years of Sheikh Hasina’s rule, Bangladesh saw utmost progress economically but things have started to deteriorate now with her uprooting.