Once Again, Jagan Skips Media Questions!

Compared to the time when he was the CM, YS Jagan appears more in front of the media these days, which is understandable given that he has more time at hand as he got relegated to being just an MLA. However, Jagan is following same old monotonous script in these media interactions.

During the sequence of events following the Vinukonda murder, Jagan was very selective about media appearances. He used to loudly affirm that over 36 YCP activists have been killed since the onset of the TDP+ government. But when the media asked him to present the names of the 36 individuals, Jagan didn’t bother to stop and clarify. Immediately after his speech got over, he left the media personnel high and dry without bothering to answer their questions.

Today again, Jagan followed the same pattern as he stepped out to meet the victims of the Achytapuram reactor blast. He spoke with the media and made tall claims by saying “If the government doesn’t pay the compensation to victims, I will come out to protest. Chandrababu is scared of me, so he will definitely pay the compensation if he knows I am about to protest.”

Immediately after Jagan’s speech got over, media asked about the third party report that was presented to him in 2023 about the lack of scrutiny in pipeline system in the plant.

This question pertains to the time when Jagan was the CM and addresses the key topic of lack of safety procedures in the YCP tenure which could be the root cause to accidents like the one that happened two days back. But Jagan skipped addressing this important question and walked away.

After the historic public mandate, it is essential that Jagan bravely faces the media and answers the questions. This is the only way he can regain lost credibility by answering these questions in an earnest manner. But Jagan is least bothered about any of this as he’s simply willing to end the media meets once his speeches are done.